If you're planning to or even dreaming of designing and building your own custom home, knowing what you're getting into is key. Custom home builders like L. Patten and Sons can help. Keep reading to discover more on how to go about the process, and if you have any questions please contact L. Patten and Sons today!
Custom Home Builders: How to Design and Build a Custom Home
So where to begin? Allow us to briefly lay out the steps you need to take in order to make sure your experience is positive, and don't forget to also check out our "Ultimate Guide to Building Your Custom Home - Blue Mountain Custom Home Builders."
Determine What's Best for You
As with any major purchase or life decision, it's important to sit down and do a good amount of research so that you know exactly what you're getting into and determine whether it's a feasible project for you and your family to take on. Here's some questions to consider off the top:
How large of a home can we afford?
Do we want 1 or 2 stories?
Do we have kids still living at home?
Will they need their own rooms?
Where do we want to live?
Are there schools in this area and does the area have the amenities I need?
What will I be doing in the home?
Do I entertain frequently?
Do I work at home?
Do you have pets and desire a large space for them to run free?
Your answers to these questions will serve as a basis for your planning, as well as your search for the right custom home builders in your particular area. You can also get a good idea of your budget through this process; a custom home build is obviously a sizable financial commitment, and it is crucial that you stick to your budget. And don't forget to consider things such as:
Once you have a reasonable home building budget set, you will need to decide what will be the scope of your custom home design.
It's important to do research so that you know exactly what you're getting into.
Know What You're Getting Into
Building a custom home from the ground up is not a simple job. Once you find the site, the process is likely to take at least another year and will involve several members of a building team from design to final inspection.
L. Patten and Sons have extensive experience walking through this process with all of their customers. The right custom home builders will guide you through what you need to know so they can get to work and create your dream home, so be sure to secure one as soon as possible to help guide you along the early stages.
Find Custom Home Builders / Designers Willing to Fulfill Your Dreams
You may want to secure a custom home builder before you buy land, since not all lots are created equal. This is often where it all begins, and for good reason. The best house design follows the influence of the land, so knowing where your house will be built is the best place to start.
Choosing land is a big decision on it’s own, and you can learn more about that here. Keep your total budget in mind when looking for land, as well as your lifestyle priorities. A custom home builder will not only understand all these issues, but they can also figure out where to place the house to best take advantage of views, sunlight, shadows, trees and more.
Remember: It’s up to you who designs your home, and you should start with a good idea of what you want (and what you can afford) and go from there. Depending on who is doing the drawings and the complexity of your plans, this part of the process can take any where from a few weeks to many months, and cost anywhere from $5000 - $100,000. If you're wondering what style you are looking to have for your house, check out this article on three main styles of custom homes.
The right builder is essential.
Watch Your Dream Home Become a Reality
Now that you have land, plans and a builder, you are ready to begin construction. Every custom home is different, and so is the time each one takes to build. As an average, you should count on 7-10 months from the time the shovels hit the ground.
Questions come up often about exactly how something should be done, and as the homeowner, you will need the occasional site meeting to lock in details for fixture placement, where outlets are required, where water will need to go, etc. You will also need to trust the experts that you have hired, as there are a lot of people who will come together to build you your custom home; to understand just how many have a look at another article here.
During these stages decisions will have to be made; cabinetry, plumbing, lighting flooring, windows, paint colours. The process may seem to take forever, but there are thousands of pieces that need to be looked after and it all takes time. Stay in touch with your builder, and make sure you are getting them the information they need when they need it.
Your dream home is closer than you think.
Trust L. Patten and Sons When Hiring Custom Home Builders
L. Patten & Sons Limited brings over fifty years of custom home building experience to every project we undertake. We take pride in building custom homes that are as beautiful to look at as they are comfortable to live in.
Take this testimonial from Don and Rosalie as an example of what you can expect:
"In 2014 our family prepared to build a new home in the Town of the Blue Mountains. But who would build our dream home? After much research, meetings with builders and inspecting builder's projects, we made our decision: L. Patten and Sons.
Our initial decision was based on:
A) L. Patten's excellent reputation and
B) A very competitive quote to build for us.
3 years later:
We are living in our new home
We are absolutely happy with all of our decisions
Our home was beautifully constructed
Our home was built on time (1 month early)
Our home was built on budget: as quoted
We are a local family for over 45 years and consider it an honour and a pleasure to recommend L. Patten and Sons.
If you are contemplating a new construction project in the foreseeable future, you owe it to yourself to get a quote from L. Patten and Sons.
Post Script: We based our initial construction decision solely on dialogue with the builder - Mr. Jerry Patten. But then a pleasant surprise: over the 10 months of construction, we were in constant touch with the remarkable support personnel at Head Office. Kris, Katie, Jason and Andrea were amazing. They held our hands, assisted with decision making, offered suggestions when asked and spent countless hours researching products with us on the internet. They were there for us every day, all day. What a fantastic bonus."
We make it our goal to help all our clients realize their dreams. Quality craftsmanship, attention to detail and complete customer satisfaction are what sets L. Patten and Sons apart in the Collingwood, Blue Mountain and Georgian Triangle home building community. Our home owners can rest assured that their new home will be a source of pride and satisfaction for many years to come.
For more, read our article on 10 Tips to Choose Qualified Custom Home Builders Collingwood.
Source: https://realestate.usnews.com/real-estate/articles/how-to-design-and-build-your-own-custom-home